Terms and Conditions - Solar Contractor Agreement

Effective Date: 1st Jan. 2022

Last Updated: 1st Oct. 2023

Appendix A:

  1. Site surveys should be prepared with the following considerations or else the survey may be cancelled due to unpreparedness
    • a. An adult with authority on the residence is home for the full duration of the survey
    • b. There is a clear working space in front of all electrical enclosures
    • c. There is a clear working space to enter all attic spaces
    • d. All animals are put away during the time of site survey
    • e. The site is generally safe for a surveyor to perform a site survey

  2. Administrative accounts will have the opportunity to accept or reject site surveys for the content included, based on the Team Green Force template. There is a 72-hour window for administrators to review and provide feedback for site surveys, after this window has passed there is no opportunity to reject site surveys for missing or insufficient content.
    • a. When a site survey is determined to be insufficient, Team Green Force’s quality control team will verify that the contents are missing. In these situations, the backend team will contact the surveyor and homeowner to coordinate a follow-up appointment at no additional cost to the company that requested the site survey.

  3. Site surveys may need to be rescheduled in the event of inclement weather, as they may result in unsafe conditions for surveys to be conducted. In these instances, surveyors will take a screenshot of the Google weather forecast and send it to Team Green Forces back-end team for verification. Some conditions include but are not limited to 50% chance or more of precipitation, hurricanes, and blizzards. In these events our back-end team will contact the administrator of the account and the person that reserved the site survey to inform them that the site survey will need to be rescheduled at no cost.

  4. Surveys that are cancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled site survey time by either the surveyor or member that reserved the site survey will be penalized $40.

  5. Under the following conditions, administrator of accounts may be penalized $40 (+travel adders) for the following:
    • a. An adult with authority on the home is not present during the duration of the site survey
    • b. A homeowner would not provide access into the home
    • c. An incorrect address was provided for a site survey

  6. Site survey requests that have not been accepted within 24 hours will be removed from our network and will need to be resubmitted.

Site Survey Limitations Acknowledgments
  1. FAA regulations and local jurisdictions have limitations in restricted airspace. This may result in lower maximum altitudes or no permissible altitudes for drone flight and photography.

  2. FAA regulations and local jurisdictions have limitations for weather conditions (wind speed, cloud altitude and proximity, visibility, etc.). This may result in lower maximum altitudes or no permissible altitudes for drone flight and photography.

  3. Surveyors are not expected to walk on roofs at any time.

  4. Snow or other coverings on a roof may limit the availability of documenting roofs.

  5. Surveyors are not expected to move heavy, large, or expensive items to perform their site surveys per the preparation guidelines.